Strengths-based learning that builds resilience and character

Social-Emotional Learning

In Partnership With

Driven by Data: Postseason coach and family surveys consistently demonstrate that Finding Our Stride fosters a smaller, more supportive classroom environment. Because 80% of our coaches are educators, increased connection time at practice grows student confidence and resilience in and out of the classroom. In 2023 we partnered with The Positivity Project to build upon this social-emotional learning opportunity.

Customized Curriculum: Grounded in positive psychology’s research on character and relationships, The Positivity Project calls upon 24 VIA character strengths to deliver evidence-based interventions with a statistically significant impact. A local school psychologist, FOS parent, and P2 expert helped us design a tailored 10-minute program for practice. Teams use games, discussions, and dedicated reflection time to dive into one new strength each week, such as enthusiasm, teamwork, integrity, humility, fairness, gratitude, perseverance and self-control.

  • A Microcosm of the Classroom

    80% of FOS coaches are educators. Our 1:7 coach to runner ratio gives kids more time to build relationships with trusted adults. As a result, runners’ confidence and resilience grows in and out of the classroom.

  • Bite-Sized Learning, Tailored for Practice

    Bite-Sized Learning, Tailored for Practice

    By delivering short lessons focused on one character strength each practice, we break learning into digestible pieces throughout the season.

  • building inclusive community

    Building Inclusive Community

    Nine out of ten runners feel supported by their teammates. Three out of four feel an increased sense of confidence since joining FOS. This safe and inclusive learning environment enables runners to develop a sense of belonging within their team, school, and community. The best part? They build it themselves!

  • “The group discussions around the character strengths and virtues was engaging for a number of the students in the group. It was awesome to hear them share real life experiences where they displayed these strengths themselves or observed them in others.”

    – Coach, Canaan Elementary School

  • “My son struggles with anxiety. Running has improved his mental well-being tenfold. He is academically excelling, tries more things, and even did track and field this past summer. FOS continues to help him define who he is in the world.”

    – FOS Parent

  • "FOS continues to provide me with opportunities to interact with students I may not have the opportunity to during my school day. It also provides tremendous opportunities for our runners to develop skills, confidence and healthy relationships with their peers."

    – FOS Coach

  • "I love P2! I have started using it in my classroom. If I hadn't coached FOS I wouldn't have known about it. THANK YOU for incorporating it into the program."

    – FOS Coach

24 Character Strengths

Character strengths — as classified by positive psychology — are a family of positive traits expressed through a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are universally recognized for the strength that they create in individuals and communities.

Making children aware that every one of them has all 24 character strengths provides the foundation for genuine self-confidence grounded in self-awareness. At the same time, it helps children better understand why everyone is different and how to appreciate those differences. Understanding and valuing them — especially in other people — requires a framework of consistent reflection and discussion.

By consistently teaching our youth about the character strengths that everyone possesses, they will see people based on the content of their character. This ability will enhance their self-awareness and self-confidence, understanding and appreciation of others, and interpersonal relationships — which will positively influence our youth (individually and collectively) across their lifespans.

Explore your top strengths and learn more with your child

About The Positivity Project

The Positivity Project (P2) is a character education curriculum dedicated to empowering America’s youth to build positive relationships by recognizing the character strengths in themselves and others. The organization partners with schools across the country and equips educators with the online training, strategy, and resources to teach students the 24 character strengths of positive psychology.

In just 15-minutes a day, The Positivity Project helps schools develop a common vocabulary, a positive culture, and self-aware, empathetic students. The partnership with Finding Our Stride is one of the organization’s first afterschool sports partnerships.